Become A Certified
Interior Design Professional

"Imagine having your own Interior Design Business filled with Paying Clients who love everything you design, and are happy to pay you for your talent."

7 Week Online Training Program, Open to Anyone With a Passion For Interior Design, and a Desire to Turn That Passion Into A Profitable Interior Design Business of Their Own

So Why Aren't You a Successful Interior Designer Yet?
You know how it feels to walk into a well-designed space.
At first you get excited, soaking in all of the beauty and noticing every little detail. It's a just a "feeling" that everything's in the right place.
Then you start imagining the parties you could have, or the people you'd love to share it with. It sounds cliché, but it’s true.
That's exactly the felling you'll create for your clients, and why Interior Designers have been practicing the art of design for centuries.
Why is This Certification Different and How Does it Work?
Complete all of the 26 training modules, then take the practice quizzes for review
Each video training module is carefully organized to teach
only the most important skills and techniques needed to build a hugely successful interior design business.
They're taught in a simple step-by-step system so
you'll be able to easily recreate the same success that
hundreds of other designers (including myself) have enjoyed.
At the end of each module, you'll have the chance to use the "done for you" notes and outline page to review and memorize all of the material.

Get Your Design Kit
We're going to mail you a info packed workbook to keep all of your notes and lessons in one place.
There are certain tools that I use in every rendering. I'm going to ship you a collection of my favorite Prismacolor markers and pencils as well as a professional project sketchbook.

Pass the final exam
At the end of each core module you'll take a brief practice quiz to ensure that you understand the basic concepts covered in that module.
Once you've completed the quiz for each module, you'll be able to sit for the final exam. This includes a private coaching and strategy session with yours truly, to make sure that you're on the right track and understand the entire program. I'll assign you a final project and then you'll present it to me the following week. After you're finished, you will have earned your certification and you'll be ready to set the design world on fire!
Display your badge proudly
Upon successful completion of the course and exams, you will receive a personalized badge and certificate.
Plus, your digital certificate is full color, printable and is suitable for framing should you wish to display your achievement at your home or office.

Are you a “Doer”…or just a “Dreamer”?
(or…why you might want to get certified)

Certification is important
I don’t believe that government regulated certification is necessary for all designers because not all interior designers are providing the same services.
I do know however, there are basic design principles and safety knowledge that all designers should learn in order to preserve the integrity of our title.
Having a credential after your name will show your clients that you’ve gone the extra step to responsibly learn your craft, and you should be treated as a respected
Interior Design professional.
It’s a simple way to build trust and credibility with new design clients, and adds a strong sense of confidence to the designer who worries that they aren’t worthy of the title, “Interior Designer”.

More specifically, in our Certified IDP course you’ll learn;
Qualities & skills of an Interior Designer
Brief history of modern Interior Design
Descriptive design terms
Meeting your clients
Design concept
Drawings & plans
Six design principles: Spatial relationships, proportion, scale, balance, line, and form
Finding inspiration
Working with the team
Payment strategies and charging fees
Project management tips
Common design challenges
Colors, accessories & their significance
Texture, patterns & fabrics
The user’s experience – sight, sound, smell, taste & touch
Choosing a suitable color scheme
Choosing and placing flooring, wall décor, window treatments, lighting, and furniture
Responsible sourcing of raw materials
Health & safety
Use of perspective
Pencil sketching and renderings
Mood boards
Maintaining professional relationships
Preparing a portfolio
Marketing your business and Low cost marketing techniques
Setting up a website, blogging, and social media
As a Certified Interior Design Professional you’re able to confidentially advertise yourself as an educated, experienced professional who can create beautifully designed rooms to enrich the lives of your clients.
If you’re interested in becoming such a professional, then I have one question for you…

Here's What You Get When You Join:
All Access Training Modules:
The entire program is housed on our password protected membership page where you’ll have access to it 24/7. You can learn on your time, not a set course schedule.
Engaging Lessons: The core of our program is delivered through 26 information packed course modules which include multiple training videos.
Each lesson focuses on a specific skill or strategy that you’ll need if you want to build and run an amazing design business. They're full of concentrated, step-by-step information, so you can listen and learn from every class.
Lesson Outlines and Done For You Notes:
You won't have to worry about missing any critical steps or details. We've taken detailed notes of each video, making sure to point out the most important strategies and techniques to help you build your business. You'll get a fantastic workbook to keep everything neatly in place and organized.
Design Presentation Kit…
I'm going to send you a collection of my favorite markers and sketching pencils as well as a professional design sketchbook to use on your new design projects. You're renderings will knock your clients socks off!
Downloadable Business Forms, Checklists, Scripts, Templates, and More…
Your design business should be fun and easy to run. To support your success, we'll give you a variety of templates, scripts, forms, and checklists to help you run your design business smoothly.
Online Networking and Community
Entrepreneurs LOVE connection, and as a Success Studio member, you'll have access to online networking opportunities where you can ask questions, mastermind, swap ideas and notes, support other members, and create lifelong friendships.

How Does It Work?
Copy and Model: These are the exact tools that I use in my own interior design business; they help keep me organized, on track, and productive.
Done for You: Two of the most requested documents are the sample contract and letter of agreement. They’re designed to fill in the blanks, and customize to fit your exact needs.
Organization: You'll have downloadable PDF's filled with outlines from the training modules and all the documents I've just told you about as well as your workbook. These are wonderful tools, with everything you need to run a professional design business, all in one place.
Collaboration: You won’t be alone in your business; as a member of the New Interior Design Professional group, you can interact with the other positive and motivated designers on our private Facebook page.
Each week, I'm going to encourage you to ask questions, give me examples, and interact with our group as much as possible. The beauty of the group dynamic is to share and learn from each other.
Support: We’re here to make sure that you’re on track and happy. Once your business becomes a huge success, you can share the favor by spreading the word about our group.

Millions of people can look at a room and tell if it’s well designed or not…
A fraction of those can create a well-designed room of their own…
And a very few talented people can responsibly, and practically, help other people to create a well-designed room for themselves.
Added Bonuses!
Quick-Sketch Technique ($1247 Value!)
You have the business, you have the clients, but how are you setting yourself apart from your competition?
Learn to create amazing perspective renderings that will set you apart from any competition.
Powerful presentations will sell your designs every time. Learn short cuts and techniques to wow your clients.
Creating floor plans can be fun and easy!
Quick-sketch techniques that ANYONE can learn, help your clients to visualize your designs.
Powerful Presentations That Practically Sell Themselves ($949 Value)
It doesn't matter how great your clients are or how creative your designs turn out, if you don't learn how to present your ideas clearly and using tried and true sales techniques, you'll never make any money as a designer, and worse...you'll never see your beautiful design come to life.
We've recorded 6 bonus videos capturing every detail of putting together a powerful presentation that will practically sell itself. You'll learn all of the tricks of the trade and how to avoid common pitfalls that can keep you from living your dream as a successful interior designer.

2 Private Coaching Sessions ($300 Value!)
Let's make sure that your business is built for success!
- Are you clear on who your ideal client is and how are you going to capture their attention? Are you charging enough for your services? Really?
I will walk you through your own personal design system to ensure that you're ready to start working with your new clients.
I'm sure you're going to have questions. I share so much information in this program that there are always points that need going over. Make your list, and lets go over it. I want you to be a success!
The Interior Design Survival Guide ($195.99 Value!)
This is designed as a "Save Your Business Tool!" It's a simple 5-step process that will:
Establish productive new business habits so you do only the most income-producing actions each day. – You’ll be shocked at how fast your client list will fill up with grateful, paying clients, instead of tire kickers trying to get free design advice out of you.
Give you the confidence to build your “design dream team.” – You’ll learn how to have other people do the hard work for you. It’s a strategy that made me over $80,000 in design profits from only one team member.
Get clarity on your business goals – You’ve seen the best designers in your design magazines. Not because they’re more creative than you, but because they were great at building their design business. You’ll be inspired, focused, and ready to create a design empire of your own.
Printable Business-Building-Art Posters ($49 Value)
We at DFL know that, as designers, you're visual learners and you'll absorb information best when you hear it, read it, AND See It.
We’ve created colorful, helpful, and most importantly memorable small posters for you to print out and post in your office. You won’t forget the most important “Success Rules” from your training when you see them every day displayed as beautiful, business-building-art.

I won't be happy, if you're not happy. If you don't feel that the Interior Design Success Studio is teaching you how to build the best design business you can have, then let me know within 30 days.
I'll refund your money; no questions asked.
Happy Designing,
Chelsea Coryell
Chelsea Coryell
Design For a Living
PS: Remember, because you are investing in this program to further your business, you can write it off as an expense on your taxes!
PPS: “I wish someone had given me this information when I was just starting out 20 years ago. I look back on the rookie mistakes I made in my business, and I realize they could have easily been prevented.
If I had been given this system spelled out so clearly and simply, it would have saved me hundreds of hours in stressful efforts, and allowed me to earn much more money.”
PPPS: Anyone can build success with this system. You can take the fun and easy to follow courses from any computer at any time. You have my happiness guarantee so there is no risk at all. It's a small amount of investment for a lifetime of happy returns!
Just a Reminder, As a member of the Design for a Living
Certified Interior Design Professional, you'll get...
This is a 7-week program where you'll learn in-depth business training, designed specifically for Interior Designers, to help you build and accelerate the growth of your design business.
17 core principles that you need to learn to build your dream interior design business. All of the lessons can be watched online, hosted on our password protected membership page. These aren't the videos you see on YouTube. These are private, members-only lessons.
Each lesson includes an informative outline and notes section so you don't have to worry about missing any of the important techniques or steps to your new process.
All of my downloadable worksheet templates and contracts, so you can easily personalize them to work for your business. A $1997 value.
9 Extra training videos teaching you how to create the same powerful sales technique filled quick-sketches that will help you sell ALL of your designs on the first try!
Powerful Presentations That Practically Sell Themselves 6 Additional videos. You're going to learn EXACTLY how to present your designs to your clients so they don't waste your time and they are happy to pay you what you're worth!
The colorful and informative posters to help you remember the key steps to a designer's success.
A copy of "The Interior Design Business Survival Guide, Stop Wasting Time and Make Money NOW!" workbook a $195.99 value.
And of course, Your Happiness Guarantee!
Here's Your Course Overview:
Introduction to Interior Design Theory...Or Why We Do What We Do
You'll be able to market your skills and your business based on fact, not the HGTV make-believe world of design. Learn the qualities and skills a modern interior designer needs to make it in this competitive profession so you’ll make money for years to come.
Business Practices for Today's Interior Designer
You'll have your own iron clad contract and letter of agreement to use with your clients so you’re protected, and paid for your work. (You get easy fill-in-the-blank templates)
Learn how to work with designer showrooms and manufacturer reps to get the best pricing and make sure you’re earning enough money in your business to live the life that you’ve dreamed of.
The 3 Critical C's of Working with Clients: Connect, Control, and Close
Most designers make their job more difficult than it has to be. Learn my secrets of efficiently working with clients so you save time, make your clients happier, and earn money faster and easier. Also how to organize your projects and manage your clients so you have more free time and less stress.
Building A Successful Interior Design Business From The Ground Up:
Learn all of the business basics such as licensing, office set-up, choosing a name and a company brand. Where to find your resources and how to use them to double your income without doing more work.
Finding your Ideal clients and how to build a positive reputation worth talking about
Marketing isn’t just for the “big guys," it's for everyone. Who are the clients that you really want to work with, where can you find them, and how do you get them to hire you? What to say when they call and ask you how much you charge and how you work.
Building a reliable team to support you
It’s crucial to your success that you build a team with the right people. Whom you need on your team and how do you find them. (A contractor, painter, workrooms, etc.) What you should ask when interviewing your new team members. You'll have a questionnaire that you can follow to make sure that you're hiring the best.
How to conduct the perfect first house call and make them fall in love with you and Selling Your Designs without Being "Salesy"
No one wants to think of themselves as a salesperson, but it's critical if you want to be a successful Interior Designer who earns great money. You'll be learning the best sales techniques specifically for designers so you feel natural selling, without sounding pushy. What questions to ask, so you’ll deliver a spot-on design that practically sells itself and how to close the deal and collect your money without feeling uncomfortable.
Top Secrets to Interior Design Success (This is how you break out from your competition)
Most designers make their job more difficult than it has to be. What skills you really need to design for a living. It's not what you've been told in the past. How to gain the confidence of your design clients, so they won’t question your decisions or shop by themselves online.
Architectural and Furniture History You Can Use in Your Business
Don’t you want to sound like an interior design expert? Learn about the most influential eras in architectural history and how you can incorporate the classic elements into your own designs.
Color Relationships and Go-to Combinations
You’re not going to learn everything there is to know about the color wheel. (Trust me you won’t ever use it) You ARE going to learn how to make color choices for your projects using reliable design fundamentals mixed with years of trial and error.
Space Planning and Traffic Pattern Rules to Live By
Learn a super easy way to create professional looking CAD style floorplans to impress your clients. You’ll also get a design dimension “cheat sheet” to take out all of the guess work when you’re creating your floor plans and learn about spatial relationships and how the wrong size and scale of your furniture choices can destroy your designs.
Furniture construction and product knowledge
8-way hand tie, sinuous s springs, and on and on. What do you really need to know about furniture so you can feel confident selling designer quality to your clients? Every wish you had a go-to list of all the best furniture vendors? Well you’re going to get my top 30 brands, and learn how you can buy from them like a Pro.
Room by Room Design and Practical Plans
Learn sure-fire rules for designing specific rooms with specific needs. (And I’m not just talking about the work triangle in a kitchen.) How high should you hang artwork, what’s the best way to accessorize bookshelves, what the heck is a “Conversation Grouping” and when should you use it? You’ll learn the answers to these crucial questions and how to use them in your own designs so they’ll look like a magazine cover.
Sketching and Rendering
If you think that you can't draw, just wait until you learn my simple "anyone-can-do-this" techniques. I'm going to prove to you that even YOU can create impressive, and effective renderings to sell your designs.
There is a very unique and specific strategy to my quick sketch renderings. I'll show you how to use these powerful sales tools to wow your clients and close almost every presentation you give.
You'll learn my step-by-step quick-sketch techniques to help you QUICKLY layout a rooms space plan. You'll know which elements to sketch and what you should leave out if you want your design to sell.
New Content!
Learn to Create Designs That Your Clients Will LOVE!
Why creating “the Perfect Design” is a myth and how to spend less time re-designing, and more time making your clients happy. What goes where and how far should it be? Simple space planning rules that every designer should know to avoid traffic pattern disasters.
The Presentation is Where You Make Your Money
If you create an amazing presentation, you won’t have to sell anything, and your clients will be ecstatic. Learn step by step how to create gorgeous, professional looking presentation boards, both digital and 3D.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: "How long does it take to finish the course and receive my certification?"
A: This class is more than 10 hours of video training. To fully understand and apply the materials, you should allow 8 weeks. This way you’ll be signing new clients and working on your new design project along with the videos. You’re actually learning the appropriate strategies and techniques just when you need them.
Q: "Am I guaranteed to get certified if I take the class?"
A: No. A certification that can simply be purchased isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. That’s why our courses are challenging. If we’re going to allow you to display a Design for a Living badge, you better believe you’re going to have to earn it.
Q: "How difficult is the test?"
A: You’ll find that the test is “satisfyingly difficult.” By that I mean, it’s difficult enough that you need to actually know the materials, but it isn’t tricky or difficult just for the sake of being difficult. That said, to preserve the exclusivity and importance of this designation, we have made the tests challenging and the questions do pertain to our proprietary methodologies, so you shouldn't expect to be able to pass the test just because you have taken other interior design trainings or courses in the past. This training is different, and the exams will reflect those differences.
Q: "Are scholarships available?"
A: At this time no scholarships are available. Fortunately we have priced our classes so that they are affordable, especially compared to similar certification pathways.
Q: "How will this certificate help me?"
A: It depends on who you are...
If you're a brand new designer, this certification is a great way to learn the “real life” business side of interior design yourself. You’re going to learn how to take your natural design talent, and short-cut your way to a complete interior design business filled with happy paying clients.
If you're a struggling interior designer, this certification is a tangible way to show that you are a serious interior design professional, which could help you attract and retain better, higher-paying clients.
If you're a student, this certificate can set you apart from other graduates who merely have a traditional design degree, but specialized skills that interior design clients are desperately seeking. You’re going to learn how to take all of your new knowledge and actually make money with it.
If you're an employee at a design store or small interior design firm, this certificate can make you more valuable to your company, which is the surest way to get that raise or promotion you likely already deserve (but don't have a tangible reason to request).
If you’re an interior design store owner, it's a great way to train and certify members of your own team to ensure that they're up to speed on the latest trends and best practices.
Q: "How valuable is this certification?"
A: The certification itself is highly valuable if you need to set yourself apart from the competition. What's far more valuable than any badge or certificate, however, is the actual knowledge you're going to receive when you take this class and pass all the tests. You will know Interior Design. I'll say that again: YOU WILL KNOW Interior Design.
Q: "What if I fail? Am I allowed to retake the test?"
A: Yes, you make retake the test up to 2 times (for a total of 3 attempts). After 3 failed attempts, you will be required to retake the class (which you can do for free) and all the module quizzes prior to attempting the final exam again.
Q: "How long do I have to complete the class and take the test once I am enrolled?"
A: You can move at your own pace! We understand that life happens, and that just because you enroll today that doesn’t mean you’ll be able to finish (or even start) the class in just a few weeks. And that’s OK! Take as long as you like. We aren’t going anywhere, and neither is this certification.